EASA-MAYS – Medical Anthropology Young Scholars

EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) has several thematic interest groups and committees. Within the Medical Anthropology network committee, student and young scholars representatives Claire Beaudevin (currently postdoc & assistant lecturer in Anthropology at Paris Descartes University, France) and Susann Huschke (currently Ph.D. student at Free University Berlin, Germany) founded a young scholars network in May 2009, aiming at connecting students of medical anthropology and creating a platform for exchange and collaboration. 

Susann & Claire can be contacted at:

By now, the MAYS network has over 200 members from all parts of Europe as well as from outside of Europe. In 2010, the name of the network has been changed to EASA-MAYS – Medical Anthropology Young Scholars, because network members are B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. students as well as recent Post-Docs.

The network members communicate through a Google Group

EASA-MAYS has organized 2 events in 2010:

The 1st Annual EASA-MAYS Meeting was held in Berlin, Germany, in February 2010. The goal of this workshop was to bring the members of the newly created network together and give them the chance to meet face to face. In two days, M.A. and Ph.D. students presented their research projects in thematic panels. The about 40 participants came from many different countries: France, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy; one of the speakers even flew all the way from Uganda to participate in the meeting. On the second day, participants had the chance to take part in a workshop on applied anthropology and career paths with Rachael Gooberman-Hill, senior research fellow at the University of Bristol (UK) and committee member of the EASA Medical Anthropology Network, and Kathryn Tomlinson, researcher for the British Ministry of Defense.

The EASA-MAYS Workshop took place in Oxford, UK, in July 2010, the day after the international Royal Anthropological Society conference (organized by Prof. Elisabeth Hsu) on medical anthropology in Europe. The student workshop “Shaping our Science. Medical Anthropology, Interdisciplinarity and Public Space” was a collaboration with the Oxford University Anthropological Society. Again, about 40 medical anthropology students from all over Europe participated in the event.

For more info visit: